
Home Learning

Children at Mersham are expected to continue elements of their learning at home. These expectations vary between year groups, but can include:

  • Termly Homework Grids – These include a variety of activities linked to the learning in class for the term (these come home in Homework books and can be found on the class Google Classroom pages)
  • Reading – Of class reading books and online e-books. 
  • Spellings – A combination of the spelling rules learnt in class that week.
  • Times Tables – To earn Bronze, Silver or Gold in the ‘Going for Gold’ Challenge!

Homework Grids

Our Homework Grids have a variety of activities to choose from. They are designed to be flexible and include a range of short ‘Remember’ and ‘Understand’ activities through to longer and more complex ‘Apply’, ‘Analyse’, ‘Create’ and ‘Evaluate’ activities. 

Each colour of the Homework rainbow has a choice of two different activities to include the element of choice for the children. 

Below is an example of how our Homework Grids look.